Lama & Alpaca Trekking

Lama & Alpaca Trekking


A tour with the cuddly animals is an unforgettable experience not only for children.

Sascha Russotti


From South America to South Tyrol

Un unforgettable experience

Alpacas behind the Tratterhof

The high plateau of Meransen has one more attraction for locals and guests. At the Hinterwalderhof farm just behind the Hotel Tratterhof at 1580 m directly at the entrance to the Altfasstal valley, not cows, sheep or goats typical of our Alpine region are kept, but just as peace-loving and perhaps even more cuddly alpacas and llamas. The large grazing area around the Hinterwalderhof offers the 14 male alpacas and Erika and Aziz's 6 llamas everything they need for a happy and active life.
Erika and Aziz have given their friends with the silky, shiny wool names that immediately indicate the character of the respective animal: Gustav, for example, has worked his way up to become the boss of the alpaca males thanks to his size and - self-confident and unselfish as he is - also keeps a watchful eye on the female llamas. The nimble Fritz runs tirelessly up and down the pastures, bursting with vitality, but gets tired quite quickly. Alpaca Siegfried, on the other hand, is an individualist and loves freedom a little away from the herd. Every day, Aziz provides the humpless relatives of the camels with fresh food and water, looks after them and takes care of little aches and pains that can arise during quarrels between the males.

Lama & Alpaca Trekking

The tour in the Altfasstal valley

A mutual sniffing out

Start behind the Tratterhof

During the tours, children as well as adults overcome their shyness after just a few minutes and quickly form an intimate friendship with the alpacas. The gentle animals have a calming effect, curiously examine us humans with their big googly eyes and have their favourite places to pet.  Preferably carefully on the neck. Since they are very skittish, especially at first, use the first few minutes to sniff each other out. As soon as Gustav & Co have built up trust, they are happy to be led. "The children are especially proud when they are allowed to lead such an exotic animal, which is usually bigger than they are, on their own and are guided by it," Erika and Aziz report. With the llamas, the difference in size is even more obvious. Llamas are significantly larger than their relatives, the alpacas, but they eat less, Erika says she has observed. Up to 4 kg of tasty grass per day from the high plateau of Meransen.

Lama & Alpaca Trekking

Book cuddle tour

Info at the reception

Fixed in the weekly schedule

Erika and Aziz's alpacas and llamas are already true South Tyroleans. They have adapted perfectly to the landscape and climate, just like the many other animals that live at the Hinterwalderhof farm: the black Lamborghini cockerels, the pheasants, rabbits, cats and the neighbour's dog. A fluffy and unforgettable experience for young and old alike, starting directly at the Hinterwalderhof just a few metres above the Tratterhof Mountain Sky Hotel.

Appointment, booking & price info for tours: Tratterhof reception.

Lama & Alpaca Trekking